Have you ever wondered why yogi’s put so much emphasis on breath work? I thought it was more an effort to keep me from passing out whilst humble warrioring, but once I started addressing the physical symptoms of anxiety, I realized the gravity of controlling our breath. In my first meditation sessions, the instructor repeatedly […]


I started 2022 disoriented and lost. Almost as if I was unwillingly strapped to the teacups at Disney World for a miserably long and aggressive ride, then told to solve a Rubik’s cube in under a minute as soon as the ride was finished. I’ve found myself staring at the wall far too long when […]


Once I realized my mental health is intricately connected to my success as a business owner, and spoiler alert, as a wife, sister, daughter, friend, and HUMAN, I intentionally work to become a healthier version of myself, and find little ways that help me hold onto hope. I’ve begun learning triggers for my anxiety and […]


A couple years ago, Dash Photography was on the fast track to epic growth and I was on the fast track to epic burnout. I won that race. Ha! I was managing the business with only one other team member, and the stress created a tornado of anxiety which only increased my already-present susceptibility to […]


Once I recognized the signs of mental unhealth I was experiencing, I knew deep breathing and a couple yoga classes weren’t going to cut it. I needed a revival, and it required calling in the troops. Here are the steps I took to address my anxiety. What I did: See a Professional. The first step […]